Sunday, 2 January 2022

A 300 Film Challenge

Oh, Hello! Please do come in. Watch that there on the floor. No, not that, THAT! OK, good. Cup of tea? I promise I will tidy up the dead links and old profile bios here as we go, but it seems best to just start getting straight into things really.

Due to a combination of self-isolation and a New Year upon us, I thought it might be nice to come back to this long dead film blog of mine. And what better way to do so than with A CHALLENGE. No, not watch 365 films in a year, that's ridiculous, you're drunk. I'm going to aim for a slightly more manageable 300 FILMS IN 2022. Of which, 250 will need to be films I have not seen before. Not necessarily new releases, though there will be some, just films that are new to me. Plus an allowance of 50 others because we can't just watch only new films for a year, THAT WOULD BE INSANE. I'll do short capsule reviews (no longer than 350 words) for each one here on the blog, and keep track of how many new and old films I've watched with 'New To Me' and 'Seen It' counts. Sounds like a bit of fun at least.

Not sure how long exactly this will last before "real life" gets in the way, but it would be nice if I manage to go the distance. So, in a move that in no way comments on the current state of Hollywood, let's revive a ten year old blog for a slightly more modern audience!

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