Thursday, 30 April 2009

Mission Statement

So it's quarter to 2 in the morning and I'm gonna give a quick overview of this thing. Basically Hayley suggested I should start a blog about films so I have something extra to show if I wanna get in the business in some way. That all sounds quite professional and serious...don't worry, this blog will probably epicly fail at being either.

I'm gonna be keeping an eye out on film news and posting my opinions on the stories that interest me and I'll also be attempting to see some of the biggest new releases so I can give reviews. Which probably means seeing Wolverine at some point. Bollocks.

Expect to see some reviews/views on the films that I love too. Other than that I'll probably try to think of some cool projects to do (I have a list of 100 films I wanna see - maybe I'll make a feature of it and post reactions to them as I work through the list). Hopefully it will be fun and some people will actually read what I have to say.

That's all for now. Post again soon xx

1 comment:

  1. hehe well done you! getting your mission statement on!
    definately do the 100 films things
